
Events in the past do not change, but when our perspective on the past changes, the effects of the past in our souls transforms. The events experienced are the same, the actors are the same, but when viewed with a more inclusive understanding, the stances soften and the space for love is opened. Resistance to pain and fate is broken and pain turns into a source of power, wisdom, understanding. This gives us a solid foundation on which to build our future.

We can create new resources to remind us of our strength against repetitive cycles in life, feelings of being stuck, relationships that go wrong and situations that prevent the flow of love. We can heal that are not right in our lives. Thus, when we become free and take our place in life, we can realize our potential more powerfully. Unresolved emotions and burdens that are transferred from those who lived before us hold a great potential for love and power. We can bring the events that have been in the dark for generations to light and transform the stance of the past within us from a state that absorbs our energy to one that gives us life energy.

What is the state of your heart longing for? Are you ready to meet him now? Come on then, join us in this healing circle.

We are stronger together..